Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bjørnestad house and bakery ca 1910-1919.


Free Wallpapers Bjørnestad house and bakery ca 1910-1919..

This wallpaper of house Bjørnestad house and bakery ca 1910-1919. is taken from Here you can see a picture or photograph of Bjørnestad house and bakery ca 1910-1919. house. Bjørnestad house and bakery ca 1910-1919. images can be found on Flickr.

The Bjørnestad house and bakery in Stongfjorden. The Bjørnestad house burned to the ground in 1919, and a new house was erected on the plot.

Original caption: P. Stang.

Photographer: Paul Stang.
Image by Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane

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